Aligning Strategy and IT with Your MSP
Scaling your business is critical to your success. Business is, after all, dynamic. Ideally, it’s growing, but it almost always needs to pivot. When that happens, you need your IT to keep pace. Working with a managed service provider (MSP) to align your strategy and IT can support and even drive agility. There are times […]

Is Password Autofill Compromising Security?
“What’s that password again? Wait, I changed it … Harrumph. I don’t remember!” We have all been there, sometimes many times a day. Password autofill on our Web browsers felt like the sun was shining on our online activity again. Sorry to tell you, but this convenience may not be entirely safe. Most browsers will ask after […]
Is Password Autofill Compromising Security?
“What’s that password again? Wait, I changed it … Harrumph. I don’t remember!” We have all been there, sometimes many times a day. Password autofill on our Web browsers felt like the sun was shining on our online activity again. Sorry to tell you, but this convenience may not be entirely safe. Most browsers will ask after […]

Combatting Cybersecurity Fatigue
When was the last time you had to change your password or received an alert to update your device for what felt like the umpteenth time? These are minor frustrations, but ongoing IT requests can add up to cybersecurity fatigue. You cannot stop securing your tech but can combat employee annoyance with the process. The […]

What VPNs Can and Cannot Do
Virtual private networks (VPNs) are becoming more common. Many people use VPNs to establish an encrypted connection over a public network or to add privacy and security. Think of a VPN as a private tunnel. Connect to the internet using a one, limits the ability of others being able to access the data that you […]

Essentials to Know About Software Licenses
Bet this sounds familiar: A screen full of legalese opens up when you download some new software. You immediately scroll to the bottom and click “I agree.” Today we are going to discuss the software license essentials every user should know. Most of us don’t actually read license agreements. This is not a good idea […]
Psst … What’s Your Master Password?
All of us like to think we are unique. That thinking extends to our passwords too, right? We’re special and distinct, so no one could guess our chosen collection of letters, numbers and symbols. Well, it’s surprisingly easy for algorithms to determine passwords and to do so extremely quickly. So, a password manager is a […]
The Business Risk of Abandoned Domain Names
When setting up your small business website, you want a memorable name and sleek Web design. You know your website is an important online calling card. Then, when you grow or your business evolves, you might rebrand and add a site. But wait, don’t abandon the old one. When you set up your Web presence, […]
How to Prevent Password Spraying Attacks
Bad cyber actors are what the kids these days would call “try hards.” They do everything they can think of to get into your accounts. One tactic is password spraying. In case you don’t know about it, this article gives the basics and shares strategies to prevent this type of attack. You’re probably familiar with […]
How to Spot Email Spoofing
The number of emails we get daily can be overwhelming. We could be excused for not looking at them all closely – well, almost. Except that not taking care to review emails for signs of spoofing could be a real risk to your business. Learn about email spoofing and how to avoid it in this […]
3 Reasons to Avoid Signing in With Facebook or Google Accounts
Nine out of ten times today when you visit a website you’re asked to sign in. To add convenience, many sites offer the ability to sign in using a Facebook or Google account. Sure, it’s simpler, but this article will share three key reasons why you might want to avoid this easy route. It’s estimated […]
Essentials to Know About Software Licenses
Bet this sounds familiar: A screen full of legalese opens up when you download some new software. You immediately scroll to the bottom and click “I agree.” Today we are going to discuss the software license essentials every user should know. Most of us don’t actually read license agreements. This is not a good idea […]
Psst … What’s Your Master Password?
All of us like to think we are unique. That thinking extends to our passwords too, right? We’re special and distinct, so no one could guess our chosen collection of letters, numbers and symbols. Well, it’s surprisingly easy for algorithms to determine passwords and to do so extremely quickly. So, a password manager is a […]
The Business Risk of Abandoned Domain Names
When setting up your small business website, you want a memorable name and sleek Web design. You know your website is an important online calling card. Then, when you grow or your business evolves, you might rebrand and add a site. But wait, don’t abandon the old one. When you set up your Web presence, […]
How to Prevent Password Spraying Attacks
Bad cyber actors are what the kids these days would call “try hards.” They do everything they can think of to get into your accounts. One tactic is password spraying. In case you don’t know about it, this article gives the basics and shares strategies to prevent this type of attack. You’re probably familiar with […]
How to Spot Email Spoofing
The number of emails we get daily can be overwhelming. We could be excused for not looking at them all closely – well, almost. Except that not taking care to review emails for signs of spoofing could be a real risk to your business. Learn about email spoofing and how to avoid it in this […]
3 Reasons to Avoid Signing in With Facebook or Google Accounts
Nine out of ten times today when you visit a website you’re asked to sign in. To add convenience, many sites offer the ability to sign in using a Facebook or Google account. Sure, it’s simpler, but this article will share three key reasons why you might want to avoid this easy route. It’s estimated […]