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Virtualisation and Windows Server 2019

Microsoft’s Windows Server operating systems are complicated enough to warrant their own certification program. However, small businesses can take full advantage of the features included in the latest version of this software by moving to an outsourced IT support model. Here’s what you miss out on if you keep everything in house.   Windows Server […]

Chrome users panic as new scam spreads

During the previous quarter, fake Chrome notifications urging users to dial a tech support number have grown dramatically. Research reveals that this tech support scam could possibly use an Application Programming Interface (API) to freeze the browser, convincing the user to get in touch with the support line and share their credit card details. The […]

Enhance your new laptop in 5 steps

Laptops may not be the most powerful computers, but the benefits they provide are undisputable. For one thing, they deliver a similar user experience to your huge desktop PC, but much more conveniently and affordably. But before you reap their many benefits, learn five precautionary steps you should take before using them. 1. Update your […]

Windows releases a new patch for PC users

Two vulnerabilities, known as Meltdown and Spectre, have been found affecting almost every Windows desktop and server. Computers affected by these two vulnerabilities are susceptible to having their data stolen, such as personal photos and passwords. As a countermeasure, Windows developers have released an update for Windows users. Here’s everything you need to know. Issues […]

Enlist IT help when installing CPU updates

When it comes to security updates, time is usually of the essence. The longer you wait to install a fix from a vendor, the higher the risk of being compromised. But in the cases of the Meltdown and Spectre flaws, you might be better off waiting until a more reliable patch is released. Let’s review […]

Backup Android Files to PC or Mac

From important work contacts to your favorite holiday photos in Cabo, it’s hard to imagine losing files on your Android phone. In the event of your device getting stolen, lost, or damaged, it’s better to be prepared and make sure that your most precious data is backed up. Here’s a guide on how you can […]

Say goodbye to pre-installed crapware

A newly bought PC with a heap of unwanted pre-installed trialware is a nightmare for us all. Once it’s on your computer, it will either keep urging you to upgrade to a more expensive version or bombarding you with loads of ads, some of which could compromise security. But thanks to Microsoft Signature Edition PCs, […]

Microsoft simplifies Outlook on desktop

Microsoft recently announced that it’s revamping Outlook’s user interface and improving certain features. The redesign is aimed at decluttering the desktop version and align it with the much cleaner and more user-friendly iOS version. Mac and Windows users can look forward to a sleeker design, better features, and reduced complexity. How Outlook will be simplified […]

How to avoid entrepreneurial hackers

Another Windows security vulnerability has been released, and it looks as though it will be only a few weeks before the next one arrives. How do we know this? Because a group of hackers are openly selling their secrets to whoever will pay. Read on to learn how to protect yourself from this dangerous group […]

Virtualisation 101: Running Windows on a Mac

If you own an Apple computer, you might think it’s impossible to install Windows-based software on it. But with operating system (OS) virtualization, you can run any application you want and enjoy exciting new cross-platform features. Configure an entire machine with a few clicks With programs like VMware and Parallels, installing Microsoft’s OS on your […]
