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Creating online communities for businesses

Gamers require an effective strategy to thwart the boss, athletes require constant updates on the latest tournaments to improve performance and businesses require an online community to fully thrive. As the saying goes: ‘What comes easy won’t last, and what lasts won’t come easy’. This is especially true when you embark on building an online […]

Should your next laptop be a Chromebook?

With the advent of cloud computing, more and more people are choosing Google Chromebook for their next laptop purchase. However, many business owners are still on the fence as to whether or not this new 21st century laptop will satisfy their needs. If this is you, here’s a quick guide to figure out if a […]

Revive your old laptop this Spring

There comes a point in the life of every laptop where its hard drive slows and it begins to function at a snail’s pace. At this point, many people either toss it or retire it to the back of a closet. If you’re one of the latter, then this Spring you may be able infuse […]

Secure your business with these IT policies

Employees are one of your biggest security holes. There is no foolproof prevention method for human error, and this is why employee mistakes are one of the most common causes of a security breach. So what can you do to prevent it? Well at the very least you need to include policies in your employee […]

This app is draining your Android’s battery

If you haven’t yet woken up this Monday morning, get ready for a cold splash of water to the face. For Android users, the Facebook app is draining 20% of your battery life and potentially slowing your smartphone by 15%, essentially making it a dumb phone. Shocking as this may sound, there is a way […]

Your business can fight ‘rant’ sites

When a person searches for your company on Google or any other search engine and sees a negative review from a ‘rant’ site, it can have significant repercussions to your online reputation. That’s because more people are likely to see something, and even click on it, when a page turns up on the first page […]

The Rise Of Social Media in Iran

Communicating via social media is a way of life for many of us, and these days it’s almost unheard of to not have a Facebook account, but what do you do to stay in touch with friends and family if you don’t have access to one of the popular social media platforms because your government […]

How to diffuse negative online commentary

Between the smartphones, iPads and desktops we all use, more and more people are spending hours of their day on the Internet. And at one point or another, someone is likely to say something bad about your business online. Whether it is true or not, you need to know how to respond when it happens […]

4 benefits of online scheduling

As healthcare practices across the nation continue to find out, patients place ever-diminishing levels of importance on care alone. While it is and will forever be a factor that influences a person’s decision, convenience has become another key area patients look at when choosing a healthcare facility. Online scheduling, in particular, has become something more […]
